
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Day-to-Day Life of A Full-Time Student and Full-Time Worker (Or, How I lost my mind)

I'm doing what many warned me not to do. "It's a bad idea!" they said... "You're going to regret it!" they said... Well, I'm here to say that they were right! Last semester was my first semester working (officially) full-time while going to school full-time. My schedule went as follows:

10:20 PM: Wake up, get ready, eat breakfast (dinner for everyone else) if possible.
10:50 PM: Leave for work.
11:00 PM: Clock-in at work.
7:00 AM (or thereabouts. my relief was often tardy): Clock out, drive to Danielle's for coffee or tea and oatmeal.
7:20 AM: Drive to school.
7:45 AM: Arrive at school, tweet my music from the drive (for some reason, people liked it when I did this... odd.)
7:50 AM: Convince myself to step out of my car because my future would be brighter if I did.
8:00 AM - 2:50 PM: Classes throughout the day, differing from day to day, interrupted by brief intervals of sleeping on the top floor of the library, studying and doing homework if I muster the energy.
3:00 PM: Drive home.
3:20 PM: Arrive at home. Trudge up the 4 flights of stairs to my apartment, each footstep taking careful consideration and encouragement to lift up and set down at a slightly higher elevation than the last.
3:25 PM: Arrive at the door of my apartment.
3:30 PM: Sit on edge of bed, slowly preparing for bed.
3:35 PM: Lay down for bed.
4:45 PM: Wonder how on earth, after all this, I can't fall asleep.
5:30 PM: Finally doze off to sleep, being constantly awakened by my neighbors through the entire evening.
10:20 PM: Wake up and do it all again.

Can I keep doing this for another 4 years?

A Cup of Jon: The Haircut (#6)

A Cup of Jon Day 5

Roadtrip 2010 Days 1-2

A Cup of Jon Day 4

A Cup of Jon Day 3

A Cup of Jon Day 2

A Cup of Jon Day 1 The Genesis...